Foundations for Growth


Based in Clarence Gardens, Adelaide, the Foundations for Growth Playgroup is a therapist-led group for young children and their parents.  

While we are open for all children, we specialise in providing support for children with special needs.  Foundations for Growth is run by an experienced Developmental Educator and Physiotherapist, and we have been running groups together for over ten years. 

Our Playgroup sessions not only provide your child with fun and enriching experiences, but we also endeavour to provide a supportive and nurturing environment for you as well.  We hope that you look forward to your child's Playgroup sessions as much as they do!

What may our Playgroup sessions help your child with?

Our Playgroup sessions provide a warm and supportive space for early childhood development and family connection.  Your child will be able to participate in a range of gross motor, fine motor, sensory and interaction activities.  Some of the typical benefits from attending Foundations for Growth Playgroup include:

  • Balance and co-ordination
  • Making friends
  • Using Social norms, like saying hello/goodbye, please and thank-you, using eye contact appropriately
  • Turn taking, leading and following, and other skills needed to work as part of a group (like they need in a classroom)
  • Strength and flexibility
  • Core stability
  • Ball skills
  • Self-regulation
  • Cognitive development - through play-based learning, children improve problem-solving and language skills. 

Playgroups help parents too!

Our Playgroups offers a nurturing environment that benefits both children and parents.  

We are as committed to providing you with as positive experience as your child, and give you: 

  • Support and connection: Playgroups provide a community of parents, offering emotional support and shared parenting insights.  Parents also need social connection, and Playgroups can provide you with that connection with other parents
  • Quality time with your child: Participating with their child in activities helps strengthen the bond and creates cherished memories. 

Our Playgroup provides a warm and supportive space for early childhood development and family connection.

We are not only experienced clinicians but also parents of children with developmental needs, so we have the unique position of being both providers and consumers of child development therapy.  This has provided us with a rich pool of knowledge, skills and abilities that we will share with you to help the journey a little easier for you. 

Foundations for Growth Therapy Shop

Tested and recommended by therapists